"Allegretto" Valpolicella

Ca’ della Scala

This wine is immediately ready to be enjoyed, releases delicate aromas and has a good structure. It can age a few years.

icona-uva 40% Corvina, 30% Rondinella, 30% Corvinone
icona-stagione Production area in Valpolicella, between San Pietro in Cariano and Negrar, mixed-texture soils.
icona-servizio Recommended with pasta dishes with meat sauces, noble white meats, grilled red meats.
icona-calice Serve at 18°C in a medium-sized balloon glass.
Italo Cescon
Artigiano del vino
Cescon Italo Storia e Vini srl

Piazza dei Caduti, 3
31024 Roncadelle di Ormelle (TV)


Tel. +39.0422.851033
Fax +39.0422.851122


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